Can’t Wait!

Well it’s official. Rather, it’s been official for a few months now, but we are off to Europe in exactly 3 weeks. Hostels are booked, trains are scheduled, and activities have been planned! Now begins the awful 21 day countdown until we leave; the slow, seemingly never-ending countdown.

Because I’ve seen “127 Hours” and “Taken” (not Taken 2… I have standards), I’ve decided to leave a rough itinerary below. In the event that one, or both, of us is captured into a human trafficking ring, or falls down a cliff in the hills of Positano, you’ll at least know where we’ve been and where we’re going.

…Geneva, NY 6/4

…NYC 6/5

…Dublin 6/6

…Milan and Bergamo 6/7

…Florence and Tuscany 6/8, 6/9, 6/10

…Rome 6/11, 6/12

…Pescara 6/13

…Positano 6/14, 6/15

…Realmonte 6/16 – 6/23

…Dublin 6/24

…NYC 6/25

…Geneva, NY 6/26